Paintings on request

  • Paintings on request, To order a painting

    We make paintings for commission: portraits by photo, historical plots.

    The portrait of Evpaty Kolovrat.

    Oil on canvas. 85x52 cm

  • Paintings on request, To order a painting

    We make classical portraits for the commission.

    The portrait of a girl. Oil on canvas. 82x37 cm

    The cost of the painting varies from 90 000 RUB.

  • Paintings on request, To order a painting

    We can make a painting with the landscape of your favorite city

    according to your wishes.

  • Paintings on request, To order a painting

    We can offer high-quality copies of masterpieces made by famous artists.

If you are looking for where to make a painting to order, this page is for you! Order a painting in oil or watercolor on canvas in the RakovGallery.

You can also order the production of a painting from a photo.

The cost depends on the artist, size, technique, the complexity of the composition, the number of people in the picture, as well as the urgency of the order.