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- Anatoly Shumkin

The Artist Anatoly Shumkin
Saint Petersburg
Diploma of the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after Repin (Faculty of Painting, easel painitng studio of Professor V. S. Pesikov) - 2012
Prize "Nevskaya Palitra" - 2006
Academic exhibition "School" - 2013
Diploma of the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after Repin (Faculty of Painting, easel painitng studio of Professor V. S. Pesikov) - 2012
Prize "Nevskaya Palitra" - 2006
Academic exhibition "School" - 2013
About the artist
Anatoly Shumkin was born in Chikment (Kazakhstan) in 1984. He finished Chikment art college named after Kasteev. In 2012 he successfully finished the Russian Academy of Arts (workshop of easel painting of V.S. Pesikov. Artwork "Rembrandt in his workshop" was praised by the council. The artist mixes the experience and traditions of Russian and European schools of classical realistic painting in his artworks.