Evgenia Shchipakina

The Artist Evgenia Shchipakina

About the artist
Born in Sverdlovsk in 1982. The artist specialises in oil painting, portraits and floral still lifes. 

2002 - Graduated from the Chelyabinsk Art School.

2002-2003 - Studied at the State Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen.

2009 - Graduated from the Graphic Arts Department of the Institute of Painting at Saint Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin.

The artist participates in regional and local exhibitions of the Union of Artists.

2009-2011 - took part in painting frescoes at the Church of Seraphim of Sarov in Yekaterinburg.

2018-2020 - teacher in School of Landscape Design "Green Park".

2020-2023 - Head of their own online painting school for adults.