Maria Snigirevskaya

The Artist Maria Snigirevskaya

Saint Petersburg
About the artist
Masha Snigirevskaya was born in Leningrad in 1967 Since 1980 she studied photography under Boris Smelov. Since 1986, she worked as a photographer at the Russian Museum, the collection of which stores her works. Since 1991, her works have been exhibited in the U.S., France, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Croatia, Poland, and Bulgaria, and have been published in various magazines, catalogs, and albums dedicated to photo art.

Maria Snigirevskaya's photographs can be found in the collections of the State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg), the State Museum and Exhibition Center ROSPHOTO (St. Petersburg), the Museum of Organic Culture (Kolomna), Zimmerli Art Museum (USA), Columbus Museum of Modern Art (USA); they are represented in the collections of the Free Culture Foundation (St. Petersburg), the Borey Gallery (St. Petersburg) and others.

Since 2004, Maria has been painting and continues to shoot.
Since 2014, painting has become the main activity of Maria.