Paintings of Natalya Govorukhina, presented at the exhibition, continue the narrative, which has long been central to the artist's work. At the exhibition, viewers would see all the familiar and dear characters. At first glance, the personages of Natalya Govorukhina's pieces may appear fictional characters, and the stories unfolding in the paintings may recall fairy tales. However, all the paintings are based on real stories, and the prototypes for the characters are taken by the artist from life. For Natalya Govorukhina, this fairy tale exists in reality, the artist shares with the viewer stories taken from her life and invites everyone into this magical world.
The features of Primitivism are definitely present in Natalia Govorukhina's art. The Primitivism is characterised by utopian ideas and a somewhat naive perception of the world. However, a conscious simplification of artistic images and means of expression is the foundation of this style. Primitivism should not be equated to primitive artistic skill. Instead, as a style, the Primitivism is quite complex in its simplicity. The paintings of Natalia Govorukhina convey peace and warmth, and deep unity with nature, which is filled with a subtle understanding of its harmony. The artist's pieces are technically complex, the compositions are thought out to the smallest detail, and every feature in her painting carries a meaning.