The Music of Colours in the Paintings by Andrey Eletsky


Andrey Eletsky works in different genres. In his paintings, the artist often experiments with form, style and combinationas of colours.

The artist's work is distinguished by a variety of subjects, he is inspired by landscapes and views of various cities, which he has visited, and he also paints people and animals. However, the theme of music is one of the brightest and most colourful motifs in the art of Andrey Eletsky. In his series of paintings dedicated exclusively by the theme of music, the artist is inspired by well-known composers, various musical styles, as well as by the musicians themselves and their instruments. In his artworks, the painter, who is also proficient in the art of musical improvisation, shares his impressions of the favorite melodies and music compositions.

     Andrey Eletsky uses pure colours as the strongest means of expression. Recognisable style of painting and bold combinations of contrasting colours, in fact, allow the artist to achieve the effect of sounding colours, which is especially valuable in paintings related to music. Indeed, Andrey Eletsky's colour is musical. By looking at his paintings viewers "hear" the bohemian-chaotic sounds of jazz or the emotional melodies played by pianists or saxophonists, the expressive touching sounds of a lonely violin, or the low velvety tone of the double bass.

     Always charismatic and unpredictable, Andrey Eletsky demonstrates his talent in different kinds of art. Most people known him as a painter, but Andrey Eletsky is an artist in the broad sense of the word. Over the years, he has developed his own artistic philosophy. Moreover, being a professional musician, he is always able to surprise people with unexpected improvisations and instrumental music in his own performance.

The art of Andrey Eletsky, although colourful, full of dynamism and freedom of composition, is definitely distinguished by its constancy. The artist has a well-formed, recognisable style, which has developed over the years of creative research and always brings vivid impressions to the viewer. Connoisseurs of the artist's work believe that the sonorous colours of his paintings bring viewrs positive emotions.

     Colourful melody of Andrey Yeletsky's paintings conveys positive energy and creates a feeling of the joy of life. Subtly feeling the music, the artist conveys its beauty. He expresses his own emotions from listening to music through colours, expressive stroke and dynamic lines. Andrey Eletsky uses techniques developed by leading European and American artists of the twentieth century, representatives of such artistic movements as Fauvism, Neo-Expressionism and Abstract Expressionism. The artist refers to his paintings as "visual music" and uses them as a means to express emotions. Andrey Eletsky often squeezes paint from a tube directly onto the canvas - a technique that would be unthinkable within the framework of classical art, but it is natural to the representatives of the Postmodernism.

     The characters in Andrey Eletsky's paintings are unusual, their proportions are complex, similar to the flow of music, which is born in the composer's imagination. The unexpectedness in the construction of the composition and the choice of angles, combined with the bright primary colors used in the paintings, create a wealth of impressions from the “melody of color” in the works of Andrey Yeletsky. In this, the secret of presenting artistic images and meanings used by the artist partly echoes the techniques of fantastic realism. At the same time, the author himself says that he "likes to be an artist of experiences, not to deny the modern world, but to accept it as it really is."

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