The exhibition features about fifty paintings dedicated to Ekaterinburg. The artist is inspired by travelling, trips to new cities, and, of course, by nature. This time, in their paintings, the Omsk artist Sergey Prokhorov shares his impressions of the capital of the Urals with the viewers.
Always versatile and unpredictable, Sergey Prokhorov demonstrates talent in various genres and styles. Depending on the tasks and format of the work, the artist could easily switch from Academicism to Impressionism, but at the same time he invariably remains faithful to the foundations of the Realistic school. While working on the paintings of the Ekaterinburg series, Sergey Prokhorov unexpectedly gave preference to the impressionistic urban landscape. As a result, the large and hectic industrial city appears not as grey and impersonal, but as a colourful and benevolent capital of the Urals with a century-old history.