I can name the art of many famous artists as my favorite. Giovanni Battista Piranesi, creator of the world of architectural ruins. Hieronymus Bosch (he inspires lots of us, and I can`t stay away). Jan Van Eyck is an artist who invented oil painting and set an incredible level of realism. In my opinion, over the centuries after him, artists have not progressed as far in this as he did. I also find inspiration in Arnold Böcklin`s island of the dead, images of tritons, fauns. Piero della Francesco has mathematical precision and purity of space. Alma-tadema is a virtuoso of building space on the convergence of tonal and color spots, he does it very airy and lively. Jean Delville is a strong symbolist, both expressive and delicate. The atmosphere of some paintings by Konstantin Somov is simply magical. Ernst Fuchs impresses me with the materialization of religious mysticism. I am inspired by the masters of the Dutch still life of the 17th century, too. If to speak about the living painters, I like Mark Ryden (the charming world of fantastic realism, where cute princess dolls are combined, and, for example, Abraham Lincoln); Lipkin (awesome realistic living painting); Innocenti (he can make incredibly detailed space, all in watercolor). And these are just those artists who immediately came to mind. At different times I was influenced by different artists, their significance lost relevance over time, others remained guiding lights. About a couple of times a week, works come into view that are very pleasing to my perception. Almost every day I look through the information space of the visual world, not only the modern one. Many paintings created in the past, as it turns out, have not yet caught my eye.