About the artist
Born in Perm in 1984.
2004 - graduated from the Graphic Arts Department of the Perm Pedagogical College.
2008 - studied design and architecture at Perm State Technical University.
Since 2001, the artist regularly participates in exhibitions.
From 2011 to 2016 Anastasiya Popova made a series of trips to Europe.
The artist's paintings are found in Russian and foreign galleries and private collections.
2001–2020 - ART-Perm
2015–2019 - ART-Yekaterinburg
2010 - Personal exhibition "Phenomena", St. Petersburg
2014 - Participant of the Eurasian Festival of Contemporary Art, Yekaterinburg
2016 - Personal exhibition "Minimalism in Nature", Centre "Architect", Perm
2017 - Personal exhibition "The Sea of Feelings", Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nizhny Novgorod
2018 - Personal exhibition "Breath of Autumn", Library named after Pushkin, Perm
2019 - Participant of the exhibition at the Astana International Financial Center, Kazakhstan
2020 - Participant of the international exhibition, St. Petersburg
2021 - Personal exhibition in the FORT gallery, Sochi
2022 - Participant of the international exhibition "ART WORLD", Nizhny Novgorod