About the artist
Artist Igor Razzhivin is world famous! He is a member of the International art Fund, a regular participant of Moscow, national and international exhibitions, and began his active creative activity in 1986. His works were exhibited not only at the annual exhibitions in the Central house of artists (Moscow, 1990-2016), but also at other representative venues: at the U.S. Embassy (Moscow, 1985), at the international exhibition "ARTEXPO" in Beijing (China, 1998), in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (Moscow, 1998) and the Kremlin (Moscow, 2006). During his visit to Japan on December 15, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin presented the Prime Minister of the Rising Sun Shinzo Abe with a painting by I. V. Razzhivin "the Russian Troika in Kolomenskoye". Today Igor Razzhivin is an accomplished, professional artist, who has been fruitfully working in the genre of urban landscape for many years.