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Pastel, Paper
About artwork
A beautiful woman in red. It seems to me - it is the color that reflects the inner fire contained within this beautiful body! And the material - pastel (sepia) softens this fire and shows her softness.
  Pastel, my favorite material to achieve softness and tenderness in the portrayal of women. Pastels are made by grinding pure pigment with chalk. You get lighter, "pastel" colors. And it makes it possible to express the character with a certain material. Pastels were used by many artists of the Renaissance, as well as by prominent artists of the New Age. Until now, in Paris, in a small store "La Maison du Pastel" you can buy pastels, which Degas used to work on his famous series of ballerinas.
The pastels there are handmade using technology and materials unchanged since the 1920s. The color spectrum is 567 shades, and the price per crayon reaches 18 euros.
I prefer to use a limited palette of colors in my work.
Konstantin Fomin
Year of creation
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Nude Red Lady

Pastel, Paper, 39 x 28 in
2017 y.
Price of the painting
$ 439
Price per frame
art. NA003.1.099
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