Art investment
Art investment
The Russian art market exists in hard times now. Having survived the crisis of 2008, the gallery owners, before they could recover, fell again into the pit. However, it is believed that buying the works of artists now is more advantageous because they would hardly be cheaper than nowadays. It`s a great time to think about how to invest in artworks and why we should do it.
the price is not affected by the market fluctuations,
the physical asset - it's nearby, and you control it,
it gives aesthetic pleasure,
social significance: the demand for the work of artists helps to move on the art market.
Statistics show that over the past 40 years, the cost of art increased by 1000% and continues to grow steadily. While in Russia, investing in art objects is still not widespread due to a number of myths in mass consciousness about investment in art, in General, lack of education in this matter.
The global misconception associated with this is to invest in art can only the rich. With this fact our experience shows that the entry threshold for the first “sample” can be from 5-10 thousand rubles for the painting. This initial capital can be for example a sketch work is already known to the masters or any work of a young promising artist.
However, not only the many illusions become on your way to creating profitable assets, there is a fear to be deceived, because the mechanisms of the art market nobody describes and does not provide an absolute guarantee of rising prices for works by a particular artist.
To do this, there are also basic rules of safe investing:
1) to explore the creative biography of the artist,
2) learn about the art itself,
3) to contact approved dealers.
The global misconception associated with this is to invest in art can only the rich. With this fact our experience shows that the entry threshold for the first “sample” can be from 5-10 thousand rubles for the painting. This initial capital can be for example a sketch work is already known to the masters or any work of a young promising artist.
However, not only the many illusions become on your way to creating profitable assets, there is a fear to be deceived, because the mechanisms of the art market nobody describes and does not provide an absolute guarantee of rising prices for works by a particular artist.
To do this, there are also basic rules of safe investing:
1) to explore the creative biography of the artist,
2) learn about the art itself,
3) to contact approved dealers.

Last but not least, the item also requires special attention. In the current situation, reliable experts can be considered to be specialists operating within the market and in relation to cultural institutions. Such “Islands in the art world” are the galleries. Reasons for the choice in its favor may be the fact that the profile data of employees ensures the safety of the transaction and its comfortable support. Thus, the gallery acts as the guarantor of the quality of the sold art product.
The main advantages, when concluding a transaction for the purchase of works of art:
The main advantages, when concluding a transaction for the purchase of works of art:
You receive detailed advice on an individual request;
Together with the art object, you will be issued a certificate of authenticity and an expert document. If the art product needs to be sent abroad, gallery owners will make the export and help with transporting it;
The gallery presents a large selection of works by forward-looking artists. This increases the chances of finding "the one" work of art that may rise in price in the future.
Also noteworthy is the fact that galleries are engaged in the development of the market: they help with the financing of projects of artists, not only within its walls but also in museums, and they work hard on building artist`s careers. In this respect, it is important to understand that not museums open up new names - galleries open them!
So gallery as part of investing in art is the most reliable and long-term perspective for the future.
So gallery as part of investing in art is the most reliable and long-term perspective for the future.