Alisher Kushakov

The Artist Alisher Kushakov

About the artist
Alisher Kushakov was born in 1988 in the city of Jizzakh, the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the age of 5, he decided to become an artist, as his father worked as a design artist, and Alisher often watched his work. All childhood Alisher attended art school. After graduation, he went to Saratov, where he entered the Saratov art school named after A. P. Bogolyubov, the Department of "Design environment" 2005 - 2009, in parallel working as a graphic artist. After graduation, Alisher decided to take up graphic design and went to Moscow, where he enrolled in the British higher school of art and design course "Visual communications" in Moscow, he worked in design studios and advertising agencies. By 2014, Alisher decided to retire from advertising to finally become an artist.

For 2 years Alisher Kushakov has been engaged in artistic practice only, namely painting and graphics. He had 3 solo exhibitions in 2015, in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. Alisher also participates in exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

Art critic's comment

The artist's talent lies in simplicity, in manner, in ideas. You can take a long look at Alisher's paintings and try to understand what makes them special. Here, content is more important than form, depth of meaning is more important than color. With a couple of strokes, the artist manages to tell one story of life, express deep feelings, make you think about something more important, hidden. Amid the chaos of eccentric strokes, a figure appears, a portrait of an always unknown, but so familiar girl. Who is she? What is she thinking?

The artist himself comments on his work as follows: “The history of each painting has a personal and intimate character. The final work is always the result of our communication, an attempt to convey the inner world, or rather the state of this world, during our interaction - and not only as an artist and model but primarily as a person and a person. ”